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AMIVAK MBP bags for meat maturation: bigger, wider, more effective

Atlantis-Pak Company has refreshed the range of manufactured bags AMIVAC MBP

Atlantis-Pak Company has refreshed the range of manufactured bags AMIVAC MBP. Bag width now is increased up to 200-400 mm. The expansion of the size range of the AMIVAC MBP bags will allow the producers and distributors to run production more efficiently. You can package and sell larger products, reducing its cost.


The AMIVAK MBP are permeable bags for vacuum packaging and maturation of meat by «wet aging» technology. These bags are suitable for curing and smoking products. AMIVAK MBP usage eliminates the risk of microbiological damage and makes it possible to get juicy and tender meat.


Expand your sales range together with the AMIVAC MBP bags!


See more detailed information about the AMIVAC MBP bags: https://atlantis-pak.top/catalog/product/amivac-mbp-92